Does your filter do what it claims to do? Advice for Zip Water product users

04 Oct 2019
When choosing a water filter for your Zip product, you need to ensure that it is certified to removing contaminants in your water.
These are the THREE things we consider you should look for when choosing a water filter:
- Only buy water filters which have a WaterMark – which is the mandatory certification scheme for plumbing and drainage products. It ensures that products being installed by licensed plumbers comply with the Plumbing Code and the relevant Australian and New Zealand standards.
- Check that the WaterMark is certified to AS/NZS 3497:1998
- If a performance claim is being made (such as reduction of cysts), make sure it is also tested and verified to AS/NZS 4348:1995 – this relates to performance testing – it is specific to filters, and it certifies and verifies that your filter will reduce impurities and potentially harmful contaminants.
You can check if your filter meets both standards by looking at the Performance Data Sheet that is required to be supplied with the filter.
Along with WaterMark certifications, the filtration systems from Zip Water are certified to NSF standards, to prove that our filters reduce a particular set of contaminants from drinking water.
Zip’s MicroPurity filters will reduce impurities and potentially harmful contaminants larger than 0.2 microns in size – an impurity that small will fit 250 times into a strand of hair.
Our filters are certified to reduce chlorine, taste, odour, bacteria, sediment and limescale in line with NSF 42 (aesthetic effects) and Watermark requirements. Zip MicroPurity filtration is also certified to deliver a reduction of 99.9% of cysts including cryptosporidium and giardia, 98.9% of lead 8.5 and 99.3% of lead 6.5 to NSF 53 (health effects). See Zip’s Performance Data Sheet listed below
To learn more about water filters click here to read an article from Choice.
A genuine Zip filter is guaranteed to fit the filter head of your Zip Water system correctly. Be sure you are buying a genuine Zip water filter by having your product serviced by a qualified Zip technician or by purchasing from the Zip Water website.
For more advice, call Zip Water Customer Care on 1800 ZIP TAP.
Zip performance data sheets
Zip Part No. |
Product name | Performance Data Sheet |
93706 94062 |
Zip Micropurity filter for commercial use |
804984 |
93701 93702 93704 |
Zip Micropurity filter for residential use size 1 Zip Micropurity filter for commercial use size 1.5 Zip Micropurity filter for commercial use size 2 |
804984 |
91289 91290 |
Zip GlobalPlus filter for residential and commercial Yellow Zip GlobalPlus filter residential and commercial use Blue |
800955 |
91291 | Zip GlobalPlus filter for residential and commercial Green |
800955 |
90992 90993 |
Zip GlobalPlus filter ZGP 40S Zip GlobalPlus filter ZGP 60S |
800571 |
91240 | Zip by Everpure filter for residential and commercial use size 2 |
82672 |